Progression of a new painting

I'm working on another version of the "Chickens on a Rail" painting--this one was commissioned, a little larger than the first one. I started on it last weekend. Here are some photos showing the progression. Still very early stage, & I'll work some more on it this coming weekend. It's sitting there on the easel, calling to me, but I have TONS of graphic design work this week with tight deadlines, so I must turn away from it....for now. :)

The dreaded blank canvas:

The background is put in with acrylics (dries faster):

Then I sketch out the shapes with charcoal:

Then start blocking in the shapes/colors (now switched to oils)

And finally pick up the palette knife & start working on the bodies, to start to bring them to life! Just got started at this point, a long ways to go! I also see some issues w/ the rendering that I will fix as I go along. Stay tuned....


Painting progression, continued


Small child's portrait